Lil Be is a Los Angeles based baby and kids blanket company
inspired by two sisters. Lily Silva and Bea Silva.
Through a combination of both their names, and their belief in the ability to inspire kids and families with their blankets, Lil Be was born.
What started out as an idea has now come full circle as both sisters
look to inspire all who come in contact with Lil Be.
As established fashion designers in their own industry
both sisters can remember growing up watching their Mom and Dad
open and run a woman’s clothing store in Los Angeles for many years.
Their love for design was early as both went on and ventured
into the fashion industry for many years.
Bea Silva has been in the kids fashion industry since she could remember.
With over thirty years of fashion design in her repertoire,
Bea Silva has designed kids clothing for some of the most influential companies
based in Los Angeles and attended FIDM where she studied fashion design.
She lives with her fiancé Jon and their dog Cali.
Lily Silva has over twenty years experience designing
contemporary women’s clothing for well-known
Los Angeles based companies.
Lily has an Associate’s Degree from FIDM.
She is married to her Husband Tony and have two beautiful daughters
who were the inspiration for the start of Lil Be.
We hope you enjoy our product as it is made with love and inspiration.
Be Inspired. Dream to be. Be the strongest. Dare to be.
Be the love with Lil Be.